
BVGT 340 Poetical Literature

This course will lead you through the Poetic books of the Old Testament. Reminding us of the fact that we are Christians, we read these books through the lens of the Gospel of Jesus. This means that we interpret these holy poetic texts through the eyes of  Jesus Christ, i.e., partly in a different way than for example a Jewish reading of the Old Testament poetic texts. Having said that, poecy is timeless and therefore everlasting new. Applying a poetic focus on the Old Testament lead the students into a more solid understanding of the holiness of the Bible. 

BVGT 330 The Latter Prophets

This course is a study of the latter prophets and their writings. the Latter Prophets are Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, and the twelve, or Minor Prophets: Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah, and Malachi. This course is also an introduction to the origin and development of prophecy among the Hebrews, a study of the major Hebrew prophets who lived and preached in the nations of Judah and Israel during the first millennium B.C., and an examination of the historical, social, and religious implications of their message. This course is also an introduction to properly applicate the message of the Prophets in todays society.  

BVGT 320 Pentateuch

In the beginning was Torah. The five books of Moses are the primary books for the world history of humanity. Our guide to the study of the five books of Moses, or as defined within Judaism, Torah, also known as the Pentateuch, is The Pentateuch, Life in the Presence o God (2024) , by professor J. Daniel Hays. This book is an excellent introduction to the Pentateuch.

The primary goal of this course is to deepen the knowledge from the previous course "Introduction to the Old Testament" (130). This means that this course will give the student a clear and concise introduction on date, authorship, as well as the historical and literary context to the Pentateuch.

BVGT 310 Old Testament Theology

Melchizedek A study of the major themes, issues, and approaches to theology of the Old Testament. Emphasizes the contributions of various biblical books and genres to the unity of the Old Testament. Relates theology of the Old Testament to the Bible as a whole, and how to understand the New Testament better in light of the Old Testament. The contextual milieu of the ancient Near East will also be examined for its impact upon the theology and writings of the Old Testament.

TE 105 Introduktion till teologi (Diploma)

Kursen introducerar ämnet teologi och ger en bred översikt över kristna doktriner och praxis, inklusive grundläggande frågor om Gamla och Nya testamentet.

Lärare: Pavel Hoffman

MiniCampus 16-17/2-18

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